Mark began his career more than 40 yrs. ago in the hospitality industry where he learned how to care for clients at the highest levels of the game. Positions with great organizations such as Hyatt Regency, Ritz Carlton and the Boca Raton Resort and Club brought him face to face with the most discerning of clientele to be found anywhere on the globe. The hours were insanely long but it was in these trenches that Mark developed his passion for going the extra mile. That now translates into the care and aftercare that T2 Inspect provides to each and every client they serve.
The need to be home in the evenings to help his wife, Susie, raise their seven children is what brought Mark to the construction industry in the first place. That was 1995. Initially, the eager apprentice, it didn’t take long to transition to the ambitious entrepreneur. Mark began contracting custom interior remodels in the Ladue, Town and Country and Chesterfield markets outside of downtown St Louis, Missouri in 2000. He continued to increase his construction knowledge and hone his skills on his way to building a reputation of quality and care for the next 15 years.
2015 brought an opportunity to make the jump to the inspection industry in a leading role of a very well respected multi-inspector firm out of Boynton Beach, Florida. Nearly identical to Mark’s sojourn in the General Contracting game, the entrepreneurial bug bit again and T2 Inspect was born.
T2 Inspect is that perfect marriage between twenty-five years of construction experience and four decades of customer care. A lifetime of diverse experiences has positioned Mark to acquire the knowledge and skill set needed to be an top tier inspector.